Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Michael Jackson: We didn't deserve him

                                  "Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation"

Ten years ago on June 25th, 2009, the world lost the King of Pop due to a Cardiac arrest after he was given various medications to help deal with Michael's Insomnia. We lost the kindest, gentlest, honest, purest and most loving human being the world had known in the music industry.

I think it's disgusting how his name and his legacy is constantly being dragged through the mud over the most ridiculous and one-sided documentary called Leaving Neverland due to two men, who claimed they were sexually abused by Michael Jackson. Those men who stood up and defended Michael during his trial back in 2005, where he was was once again accused of sexually abusing another boy was unanimously acquitted on all charges, all of sudden found it very convenient to retract their statements and say they were abused due to financial issues.

Those men I am talking about are Wade Robson and James Safechuck

Wade Robson and James Safechuck are both liars and terrible human beings

There's a not a shred of evidence to help back their claims they were abused. Not one. They are only in this to get their dirty hands on Michael's fortune which he left it all to his children and perhaps become famous themselves and revitalize their failing careers no doubt.

What's even worse is millions of people just bought into Robson and Safechuck's lies. Not only that but still believe Michael abused both Jordan Chandler and Gavin Arvizo. It's ridiculous because the facts and the outcome of Michael's trial should be more than enough for them to believe he would never harm and abuse a child. That's not in Michael's nature to do something like that. He loves children from all backgrounds and wanted to help them as best as he could.

 Let's not forget the FBI did a thorough investigation on Michael for years and they couldn't find anything either. So what does that to tell you?

The facts are there and most everyone is choosing to ignore them. It's insane!. Even by watching Michael's interviews in the 90s and 2005 due to being accused of child molestation, just watch his reactions on his face and how he responds. It shows how devastated and hurt he was for being falsely accused of those horrible things. And before your tempted to comment about the settlement, Michael was pressured to get it settled from his business partners so he can continue on with his music. That and Michael was embarrassed and demeaned for having to be stripped naked for photos, especially in the most sensitive areas

Wade Robson is a liar. If you don't believe me, I'll leave the link to the video - Michael Jackson and Wade Robson The Real Story on Youtube. It will tell you the truth about how despicable and a manipulative liar he really is. Same goes with James Safechuck, research your facts. He only did what he did after hearing of Wade retracting his statement and it's been called to my attention James is accused of being a pedophile

So please. If you haven't researched the facts, do it. You'll realize Michael has and always will be innocent of any wrongdoing to a child. Michael was a great man and a great artist. Perhaps the greatest of all time. He wanted to change the world and make it a better place, not just for children but for everyone as well 

See the light, read the facts from the other links I'll leave at the bottom. Make your voices heard and boycott everything they are trying to do to Michael. Force the media and those two disgusting lairs to stop destroying the legacy Michael left in the world and allow this wonderful human being to rest. Do it for him and do it for his children 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Heart Of Ice! Who is Alpha?

" I want you to see that when I tell you that I will destroy everything you've built in this world, everything you love, everyone you know, that is not an empty threat"

As we draw closer to the second half of season 9, which in my opinion has to the best season since season 5. I think it would be a perfect time to give everyone an insight into the Walking Dead's most notorious and infamous character, Alpha, who is the leader of The Whisperers. We haven't seen Alpha appear on our screens...yet, but we most certainly will when the season returns on the 10th of February 

Not much is known about the Whisperers's most savage leader, other than the fact she's a mother to her child Lydia, who is also a member of the Whisperers and treats Lydia very badly. I won't go into detail on the relationship between Alpha and Lydia in case if some of you guys haven't read the comics. But it's really bad  how Alpha treated her daughter though

A full character portrait of Alpha played by Samantha Morton 

Alpha's beliefs for not only The Whisperers but the world itself is simple - Civilization is a lie and the human race are nothing but animals. When you think about it, Alpha isn't wrong. We are animals and barbarians, but Alpha takes it to the extreme in this case. She believes that the people who live in communities are only playing house and pretending to live in the old world 

So if your a murderer, a rapist or a cannibal, your free to do as you please in The Whisperer crew as long as you only obey Alpha. Interestingly, Alpha is not the real name for this character, it's only a title given to the leader of this barbaric group

The comics have never hinted or mentioned who Alpha's real name is, but it could be possible the TV series may reveal it since The Whisperer arc for this version has altered pretty significantly in terms with Rick's disappearance and Carl getting killed off back in season 8. Even though Rick and Carl played a huge role in this story, I for one am glad they changed it because while it's keeping true to the characters in the comics, it's steering away from it and coming up with original ideas that haven't been seen on the show for a long time

If you think what Alpha does to Lydia is bad, just wait to you see what she does to our a group by making the infamous Whisperer Border which involved several deaths including two major characters, in order to mark a barrier between her territory and our group's.

Alpha will be played by Samantha Morton and judging by the recent promos and teasers I have seen of her, she's going to be not only terrifying but worse than Beta. Between you and me, Alpha is actually pretty hot

Here is a link to a promo featuring Alpha creating her mask before putting it on, while  creepy music of  "Whisper, Whisper" plays in the background

Saturday, January 5, 2019

You are now leaving Bikini Bottom! SpongeBob's stressful night in Rock Bottom

Rock Bottom is the 35th episode of the first episode of SpongeBob SquarePants and originally aired on March 15th, 2000. Wow! that's practically 18 years ago. It's crazy how fast time goes where the years now suddenly end within a blink of an eye. I used to think the years were slow when I was ten years old, boy was I wrong

Now back to the subject at hand. Rock Bottom is the first episode to place our happy go, lucky friend, SpongeBob, into a town he has never heard or seen before. A town that is believed to be within the deepest area of the sea known as the Abyssal Zone or Abyssopelagic Zone, where no light reaches it and always remaining in darkness

It all started when SpongeBob and his best friend Patrick Star were boarding a bus after spending a fun-filled amusement park known as Glove World. SpongeBob was allowed to board the bus without having to pay any money after he accidentally kept smacking the Bus Driver with his Glove balloon every time he turned around while finishing for cash inside his pockets. Patrick soon notices a sign reading " You Are Now Leaving Bikini Bottom", which takes them down a 90-degree cliff and entering a dark eerie town only known as Rock Bottom

 The episode doesn't reveal much about this mysterious town, except for signs such as the town's sign written in a distorted version of the English language, the bus station which becomes an integral part of the story for our heroes. It also included a strange bathroom where you can't tell which is the men's and women's based on the simple fact it had two question marks with one facing the right way up and the other faced upside down

It also showed strange looking deep sea animals residing in Rock Bottom with their language is only spoken in raspberry, where before they would begin a sentence they would blow raspberries, this followed in a middle and at the end of a sentence

SpongeBob decided to go to the bus station to find out when the next bus will be arriving, but unfortunately for him, he misses the bus that managed to take Patrick back to Bikini Bottom. Stranded in this dark town and desperate to return home, SpongeBob stands at the bus stop for several hours with several incidents leading to his balloon being blown away with an angler fish chasing it and going over to a Kandy machine to get some food, the bus always passes him by

 Angry at his failed attempts, SpongeBob headed over to the Bus Station to demand when the next bus will be arriving and that he'll be going first in line before the Rock Bottom residents. But as SpongeBob saw the bizarre creatures standing in line, he easily gives in and headed straight to the back of the line

After spending many hours inline, SpongeBob finally made it over to the ticket booth and asked the Ticketmaster when the next bus to Bikini Bottom will be arriving. Unfortunately for SpongeBob, the last bus left after only waiting for five seconds at the stop sign, leaving our friend to fend for himself for the remainder of the evening. Despite the fact, Rock Bottom is always constantly dark and you can't even tell when it's morning over there 

SpongeBob attempted to use his glow in the dark glove light in order to help him see in the dark after the Ticketmaster turned off the power in the bus station, but the glove light easily uses up all of its power and leaving SpongeBob in the dark

And if that wasn't enough, SpongeBob heard raspberry sounds within the darkness of Rock Bottom, which caused Spongebob to flee the station in terror and making his way back to the 90-degree angle road. The raspberry sounds continued to grow louder and louder, which caused us to think a monstrous creature was about to devour our beloved Sponge. Fortunately, the sounds turned out to be the same angler fish who met SpongeBob
  earlier in the night and went after his balloon. 

The anglerfish ties the balloon around Spongebob's arm and blew more air into it, while SpongeBob was grateful he failed to see the purpose of the anglerfish blowing into his balloon until Spongebob found himself  drifting into the air and allowing him to return to Bikini Bottom in one piece 

The episode ended with Spongebob landed outside his pineapple home, he sees Patrick on a bus heading back to Rock Bottom vowing to rescue his best friend and not realizing SpongeBob has already left

This is, without doubt, my favorite episode of SpongeBob, just because it was set in a different setting and how dark it was with the ominous music accompanying it

Sunday, December 9, 2018

The night I became a Wrestling fan

It all started on a cool night back on January 18th, 2008. It was in the middle of the school holidays and it was my last year in primary. Like any other kid, I liked to stay up late and watch TV. This was also back when my family had Sky, I was surfing through the channels, bored out of my mind until I came across a channel known as The Box or as it's now known, Sky 5.

The channel included The Simpsons, CSI, Pawn Stars and in my case WWE Wrestling. From what I remember, every Friday night they would always air WWE Raw from 8:30 - 10:00 ( Back when they were only on for two hours)

Anyway, I came across Raw during its main even which featured Randy Orton facing Jeff Hardy. At the time I didn't think much about wrestling and thought It was a waste of time, but since nothing else good was on, I decided to watch it and I'm glad I did because I saw something truly amazing.

It was at the end of the main event where the match was taking place at the stage ramp for the wrestler's entrances. After placing Randy on a table near the ramp, Jeff Hardy climbed on top of the stage and used his signature Swanton Bomb to land on his opponent. The match ended in a no contest, but that moment where Jeff jumped off the stage and did what he did, I immediately become hooked as a fan.

At that time I never knew wrestlers would do that, which I thought was really cool. Next week I tuned in to see what happened to Jeff and Orton, plus watching other wrestling matches in between and just falling in love with the product. Although I don't watch it today, just keep up to date online.

 Nowadays I watch old WWE, WCW & ECW PPVs, shows and matches, back when wrestling was really good. But January 18th, 2008 was when I became a wrestling fan and I'm damn proud of it.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Call Of Lag! Why Do We Play It?

Call Of Duty is one of the highest selling video games of all time and making over ten thousand dollars in the process. The game was initially a computer game made first by Infinity War in 2003, before it started to branch out onto gaming consoles and both Activision and Treyarch taking over the franchise

Don't get me wrong. This is not a dig or a blog hating on the franchise since I've recently become a fan after buying their new game - Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4. I love the game, but we can't deny that this game has a ridiculous amount of lag in it

For example when your playing in multiplayer, you run around the corner and see an enemy. You immediately start shooting at him or her but nothing happens to them, and they end up killing you with one bullet. Now that's lag

Or when you get stuck in a particular area and can't move around until the other team kills you? That's lag

So why do we play this game with all the lag in it? Is it to feel the experience of actually being in a war? Is it just about shooting and killing the other person? Or maybe there's no reason other than the fact it's a great video game

Regardless of the inconsistencies, I'm still a fan and will continue to play the game, but Treyarch really needs to up their game and create better and realistic servers. Because if you're in a real war and you shoot at someone, that person is either injured or dead in real life and there is no lag

Friday, November 30, 2018

Hello World!

Great Scott! Could it be? Another deluded newbie blogger who dreams of becoming one of the world's famous bloggers and make a ton of money in the process? Ridiculous!

Hey everyone, it's you're old pal AntOne here. You may know him as the guy who tried launching a Youtube series known as The AntOne Show, posted two videos and failed miserably. Yeah, that guy

 Anyway, I'm here launching my very own blogging page known as Global Antz. On this page, you'll get insight into my wacky views of the world, talking about my favorite movies, TV shows, and Comics, and thoughts on a few conspiracy theories. Plus from time to time, you'll hear stories of my private life, in attempts to hopefully give my wisdom and advice to those in need, also share a few laughs

Do I hope to become a famous blogger and make money from this? Hopefully someday but for now this is all just for fun. So sit down and enjoy. I also love comments, so feel free to add one and I'll reply asap 

Michael Jackson: We didn't deserve him

                                  "Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate tr...